Monday, May 27, 2013

Pressure Post

I've received quite a few emails/texts about the fact that I haven't posted anything in a while.  No, I wasn't kidnapped or anything.  I have had quite a few busy weeks/weekends filled with work and travel.  By the time I get home at night, I haven't had the energy to post.  I will attempt to catch up on some of my travels.  I hope I remember all the details and do my trips justice.  

As per my last post, my Mom came to visit.  She came came in during a big conference in London for work where we were publicly announcing my project, so I wasn't able to spend as much time with her as I would have liked those first couple of days.  Being the old pro at navigating London, she managed to fend for herself.  

When she first got there, we wandered around London by the Thames and took pictures by all the standard hot spots down there.  Because Mom had a bit of a skin graft done on her nose to deal with some pesky cancerous cells (she's fine), she didn't want to be photographed a lot.  In exchange, she agree to pose with "Flat Caleb" in all the photos.  

So, "Flat Caleb" deserves a little explanation.  My friend Helen's son, Caleb, is doing a Flat Stanley project at school and I was the lucky winner of his visitation because I was the living so far away.  For those who don't know about Flat Stanley, get your head out of the sand and ask a friend with a child in elementary school.  

Flat Caleb and Big Ben

 Flat Caleb and the London Eye

Note the mitten covered hand.  That's Mom.  

It was quite humorous to take pictures with Flat Caleb.  A lot of Europeans hadn't seen anything like him, so everyone thought we were some crazy people taking pictures with a paper doll.  (This was really evident in Brussels when I was doing it by myself, but what can you do?  It had to be done.)

When we were on the London Eye, there were these Italians taking a picture with their football flag.  Mom asked if they would take a picture with Flat Caleb.  They barely understood English and had no idea what she was talking about, but they agreed to do it.  The funny part was that this was their first photo. 

I realized their flag was backwards, but I didn't want to bother them any further.  Later on in the ride, they must have realized that their flag was backwards, so they asked to take the photo again.

Even they wanted to make sure Flat Caleb's trip was immortalized properly.  The whole thing was pretty funny.

I did manage to get one photo with Mom on the London Eye.

Sadly, I had to work on Thursday, so Mom toured around by herself that day.  We met up to meet some friends from work for dinner.  Kurt and his wife Kathy were in town from Chicago and our friend Mary was also in town.  We had a nice dinner in a little tapas place not too far from Kurt's and Kathy's hotel. 

Post dinner self portrait (why do I keep tilting my head in photos?)

Mom and I had a pretty low-key night on Friday because we were getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to go to Edinburgh (more on that in the next post), so we stayed in and made a lovely little dinner.  Kurt, Kathy and Mary came over to my flat for a drink before they headed to a club for a concert (they partied like rock stars!). 

So, I've only got one of about 10 posts to catch up on.  I feel a little less pressure since I posted this one, but I've got a ways to go.  As my Mom said, "Shake a leg, lady.  I want to read about all of it by the time I get home."  Sheesh...she's so demanding...

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