Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I truly will have to wait until next year...

There have been a number of things that have been tough to handle since I've been here --- being away from my family, trying to keep in touch with my friends, figuring out when to talk to Tom when I'm heading to work when he is heading to bed.  The list goes on.  I knew that I was going to miss events when I decided to take on this gig.  So far, the hardest one to stomach was Opening Day.

It's been the tradition for....Kelly, how many years?  I always forget!.  Let's say 15+ years.  So, for the past 15+ years, I've woken up at 5am or so to get dressed and walk over to Yakzie's to celebrate Opening Day and listen to XRT's breakfast broadcast.  Now, mind you, I usually bitch about getting up that early and question why I do it, but I never regret it.

This year, it was really hard for me to stomach not being around.  All day, I thought of all the little traditions that we usually experience:

  • The inevitable annual night before discussion about "which coat are you going to wear?" and the other prep to make sure we have hand warmers, Kleenex, anti-bacterial gel, fully charged phone, etc.  This ain't our first rodeo.  We are serious about it.
  • Walking in and bypassing Lin Brahmer to make sure to grab the big circle table in the back.
  • Picking up the free CDs XRT hands out and mooching an extra copy for Kurt.
  • Having Kathy S bring us breakfast from McDonald's.
  • Ordering a bloody mary or screwdriver at 7am and remembering how bad they are there.
  • Seeing Mom walking into the bar early and leaving when it gets too loud.
  • Seeing the creative new shirt that the table behind us makes.  This year's version is here thanks to my friend Heather.  The back said...."Keep the Cubs in Chicago....send Tunney to Rosemont".

  • Sort of listening to the Waco Brothers or whatever other band is playing.
  • Visiting with the various groups of people that come in and out throughout the day.  There are a number of people that I only see once a year.
The list of memories goes on and on.  I love this annual tradition.

I tried to replicate it a little by streaming XRT (with a little help from the spoofer Kurt gave me to get around the international streaming restrictions).  Thankfully, the head of the UK office is an American and die-hard Royals fan, so he understood.

I was able to hear Lin's Bin and The Regular Guy's Prayer, but it wasn't the same.  One thing I guess I never noticed since I was in the bar --- man, they play a lot of commercials!

Anyway, it sounds like it turned out to be a beautiful day for a game, even though the Cubs lost.  I did receive a number of FB shout-outs, texts, emails and pictures. 

Wheeler, PWC and Jaci

So nice....but not quite the same.

I guess I have to take solace in the fact that there will be a next year.  Mark your calendars now!


  1. There is ALWAYS next year Chris! You will get to see the Cubbies when you get back to the States. It flurried here today, so you should consider yourself lucky that you were not here for Opening Day!

  2. I was trying to figure out how long it's been. You were with ADP when you had a flex schedule, and I was laid off from I think Best's Kosher? So maybe 1997? 1998?

    Next year we'll have to do something extra special as a re-entry. Hmmm...
